Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The (Monday Morning Girlfriend) Proof is in the Wedding

Here's proof that this Monday Morning Girlfriend stuff works. Phillies second baseman Chase Utley's wife told Access Hollywood, he fell for her after she tried to woo him with her feigned baseball knowledge. On their first date, she managed to drop the baseball term "sacrifice fly." Three years later, they are married. We'll say no more.

Wednesday brings game six of the World Series and your chance to score. A sacrifice fly is a fly ball that allows a runner to advance after it was caught. The following things have to happen in order to qualify as a sacrifice fly:
  • There are fewer than two outs when the ball is hit.
  • The ball is hit to the outfield.
  • The batter is out because an outfielder or an infielder running in the outfield catches the ball (or would have been out if not for an error).
  • A runner who is already on base scores on the play.
This is classic taking one for the team.


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