Sunday, December 13, 2009

Small Victories

It turns out Tiger Woods is on track to lose endorsers faster than he lost his mind when straying from his marriage. Accenture, a global consulting company, announced that the two are no longer a good fit. Elin, his wife, might be having similar thoughts. Tiger is taking time away from the game to work on something slightly more important -- his duties as a father and husband. This concludes our golf report.

Saturday was an important day for egos in college football. The Heisman Trophy, honoring the most outstanding player in college football, was awarded to Mark Ingram, a running back from Alabama. He is the first Alabama player to win the award, which is surprising given the strength of the program.

Though we have a reprieve from college football play until January, college basketball replaces it with equal opportunity to bust up a perfectly good weekend or meaningful conversation. Say one sentence like, "Oh, I see Cincinnati and Xavier are all tied up in overtime" and your precious one-on-one time is over. We must warn you, Monday Morning Girlfriends, the knowledge we provide is to be applied skillfully and thoughtfully. Never, ever, under any circumstance, spew out random sports facts, like the one above, if your man is NOT watching or thinking about the game. If you have his undivided attention, keep it that way, and start talking about your recent pedicure. Mention a game score and you're as good as forgotten.  

Xavier won, by the way, in an upset in double overtime. While we are on the subject, Temple beat Villanova, a top five team. Everything, as you see, in college sports, is about rankings. Perhaps, sports imitating (love) life?

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